Kearifan lokal yang ada di Indonesia.Hutan-hutan di Indonesia yang
ditebang tanpa mengikuti aturan yang berlaku, dimana hutan-hutan selain sebagai
fungsi utamanya dalam menyerap karbon, juga sebagai tempat tinggal hewan-hewan
endemik yang sangat terancam kepunahan spesiesnya misalnya seperti Harimau. Hal
yang demikian terus berlangsung yang dapat merusak tatanan ekosistem hutan
serta mengancam keberadaan keanekaragaman hayati yang ada di dalamnya. Tidak
hanya para penghuni hutan, tatanan sosial budaya masyarakat adat sekitar pun
menjadi turut terganggu. Dengan hilangnya hutan berarti hilang juga sumber
kehidupan bagi sebagian rakyat Indonesia, karena hutan merupakan tempat mencari
makanan, obat-obatan serta menjadi tumpuan hidup bagi sebagian besar rakyat
khususnya yang bermukim di dekat hutan.
Manusia perusak lingkungan masih saja
berkeliaran. Sudah saatnya segenap jajaran kementerian lingkungan hidup, para
polisi hutan beserta peran masyarakat di sekitar hutan dioptimalkan jangan
sampai peristiwa ini terus terulang lagi dan terulang lagi.
Coba kita tengok dan pelajari banyak suku-suku
adat yang tersebar di seluruh pelosok Indonesia, mereka pada umumnya sudah
bertindak sangat ramah lingkungan melalui kegiatan hidupnya sehari-hari, dan
kita yang katanya orang kota, faktanya justru banyak yang bertindak kurang
peduli terhadap lingkungan.
Kemudian aspek kearifan lokal
dalam pengelolaan sumberdaya pesisir dan laut yang termanifestasikan pada
kegiatan atau aktivitas yang ramah lingkungan karena kearifan lokal itu sendiri
merupakan berbagai gagasan berupa pengetahuan dan pemahaman masyarakat setempat
terkait hubungan manusia dengan alam dalam mengelola sumberdaya pesisir dan
laut yang bersifat bijaksana, penuh kearifan, dan bernilai baik. Kearifan lokal
juga menyangkut keyakinan, budaya, adat kebiasaan dan etika yang baik tentang
hubungan manusia dengan alam (sumberdaya pesisir dan laut) sebagai suatu
komunitas ekologis.
Kearifan lokal tersebut mampu
menjaga kelestarian sumberdaya pesisir dan laut khususnya sumberdaya ikan,
mangrove dan terumbu karang. Sejumlah stakeholders menuturkan bahwa regulasi berbagai kearifan
lokal yang ditetapkan pada suatu daerah pesisir yang termuat dalam beberapa
ketentuan budaya, adat istiadat, dan tradisi masyarakat setempat dijadikan oleh
masyarakat pesisir sebagai penuntun moral dalam mengelola sumberdaya pesisir
dan laut secara ramah lingkungan.
Salah satu contoh yang dapat
dilihat adalah kondisi mangrove di Desa Bangko Kecamatan Maginti, Kabupaten
Muna. Diera tahun 1990-2000, kondisi mangrove di daerah tersebut sangat
memprihatinkan karena berada diambang kehancuran. Namun setelah upaya penguatan
kearifan lokal yang dilakukan sejak tahun 2005 lalu melalui penetapan budaya
memelihara pohon bakau menjadi sebuah peraturan desa yang sifatnya mengikat,
dimana setiap pelaku penebangan satu pohon bakau yang belum layak panen dikenai
sanksi menanam 10 pohon bakau pengganti hingga usia bakau dewasa, maka mengrove
di daerah tersebut kini lestari kembali. Nampak seluruh daerah pesisir pantai
Desa Bangko tertutup dengan mangrove. Selain itu, dampak ikutan dari
kelestarian hutan mangrove tersebut adalah meningkatnya hasil tangkapan
nelayan, khususnya ikan dan kepiting bakau.
Seiring upaya penguatan kearifan
lokal, masyarakat pesisir dalam melakukan berbagai aktivitas di pesisir dan
laut selalu berpedoman pada tradisi dan budaya yang ada. Mereka menjadikan
tradisi dan budaya sebagai petunjuk dan penuntun moral dalam mengelola
sumberdaya pesisir dan laut yang ada. Seluruh pemali (larangan) dalam berbagai
budaya dan tradisi yang terkait dengan pengelolaan sumberdaya pesisir dan laut
dipatuhi sehingga kelestarian lingkungan pesisir dan laut tetap terjaga.
Tradisi subak
di Bali yang menyalurkan air untuk pertanian, sasi di Maluku dan
Papua yang mencegah penangkapan ikan secara berlebihan zoning di Papua
dan karuhun di tanah Sunda yang mengatur pengelolaan lahan/hutan, dan
air serta leuweung di tanah Sunda untuk pengelolaan dan tata guna hutan
dan lahan adalah sebagian contoh kearifan lokal yang sangat ramah lingkungan
dan berdampak positif bagi kehidupan warga masyarakat di sekitarnya. Hal
tersebut sebenarnya menunjukkan realitas sosial yang tidak saja membuktikan
bentuk-bentuk tanggung jawab etik dan moral, wujud dari keserasian dan
keselarasan hubungan antara manusia dengan alam, akan tetapi juga menunjukkan
bahwa secara naluriah manusia memiliki kecenderungan untuk selalu memahami
lingkungannya, menjalin ikatan yang sedemikian dekat dengan alam; juga merupakan
cermin dari masyarakat yang mandiri.
Pakem wetu
alam yang mengatur tata guna lahan dan pola tanam pada masyarakat di Lombok
Tengah sudah pudar, Sistem sasi di Maluku tidak lagi ampuh, mulai
terdesak oleh nelayan luar daerah, konsep Tri Hita Karana yang merupakan
prinsip hidup orang Bali, dalam prakteknya sudah tidak sesuai konsep, tercermin
dari semakin rusaknya hutan dan kebersihan lingkungan yang semakin
menurun.Nilai-nilai kearifan masyarakat Dayak Manyaan di Barito Timur,
Kalimantan dalam memandang alam dan lingkungan yang menekankan keseimbangan dan
kedamaian, dan tradisi Senguyun (gotong royong) dalam menggarap lahan
dan menanam; telah tertekan oleh gerakan sistemis roda pemerintahan dan
pembangunan yang merupakan produk kapitalis
yang ada di Jawa Tengah seperti nyabuk gunung yang menyarankan daerah
pertanian berbukit harus ditanami tanaman untuk mencegah erosi dan membuat sengkedan
mengikuti garis contour bersih desa yang bertujuan mewujudkan lingkungan
hidup yang bersih, sehat, dan aman dari bencana, susuk wangan untuk
membersihkan saluran-saluran air untuk mengairi sawah secara bersama-sama; juga
sudah mulai luntur. Seiring dengan pandangan antroposentris yang mulai mewarnai
sikap dan perilaku manusia, maka hubungan yang harmoni antara manusia dengan
alam mulai berubah. Ilmu pengetahuan dipandang sebagai satu-satunya sumber
kebenaran, sedangkan pemikiran dan nilai-nilai tradisional yang tidak memiliki
otoritas ilmiah tidak dianggap sebagai sumber kebenaran. Dengan modal ilmu
pengetahuan dan teknologi, pada kenyataannya justru dipakai untuk
mengekploitasi sumberdaya alam dengan tanpa batas, sehingga mengakibatkan
terjadinya bencana alam di sana-sini.
Untuk di tempat saya sendiri
yaitu di Kalimantan Selatan yang dikenal dengan objek wisata pasar terapung,
dimana para penjual yang menjual barang dagangannya menggunakan alat
transportasi yang disebut dengan "jukung" yaitu sebuah kapal kecil
tanpa menggunakan motor listrik, tapi menggunakan dayung. tentunya tanpa menggunakan
motor listrik tersebut, tidak menghasilkan emisi karbon dioksida yang dapat
mencemari lingkungan, kemudian menciptakan potensi wisata yang unik.
Untuk daerah pertanian dimana
Kalsel ini merupakan Daerah agraris. Para petani di pedesaan yang melakukan
penggemburan tanahnya menggunakan cangkul dan sistem yang disebut "tajak
sawah" yaitu menggunakan alat manual dalam yang ditarik oleh sapi. Hal
tersebut tentunya sangat baik bagi tanah ketimbang menggemburkan menggunakan
handtractor, karena dengan menggunakan sistem tajak, maka kandungan pirit yang
ada dalam tanah waktu dilakukan penggemburan tidak sampai ikut terangkat ke
permukaan tanah, sehingga tanah betul-betul subur.
Nah dengan budaya kearifan lokal
tersebut pastinya sangat penting sebagai salah satu upaya pelestarian
lingkungan karena masyarakat disini memiliki integritas yang kuat dari dalam
diri mereka sendiri yang menjadikan tempat sekitarnya adalah lingkungan yang
harus mereka rawat dan lindungi sehingga keberlangsungannya tetap terjaga serta
mampu memberikan penghasilan dalam hal perekonomian bagi mereka sendiri.
Look, Learn and Experience the Diversity of Cultural Uniqueness And Local Wisdom
knowledge in Indonesia.Hutan-Indonesia's forests are felled without
following the rules, where the forests than as a primary function in
absorbing carbon, as well as shelter animals are highly endangered
endemic species such as tigers. Such things can continue destructive to the forest ecosystem and threaten biodiversity in it. Not only forest dwellers, indigenous cultural social order around would be also disrupted. With
the loss of forests also means the loss of livelihood for the majority
of the Indonesian people, because the forest is a place for food,
medicine, and became the foundation of life for most people especially
those living near the forest.
Human destroyers of the environment still hanging around. It is time for all levels of the ministry of the environment, the forest rangers and their roles in the communities around the forest optimized lest these events repeat over and over again.
Let us look at and learn many indigenous tribes scattered across Indonesia, they generally have to act very friendly environment through the activities of daily life, and we are his people city, are in fact a lot of the acting is less concerned about the environment.
Then aspects of local wisdom in the management of coastal and marine resources manifested in the activity or activities that are environmentally friendly because local knowledge is itself a variety of ideas in the form of knowledge and understanding of local communities related to man's relationship with nature in managing coastal and marine resources that are thoughtful, full of wisdom , and well worth it. Local knowledge also about faith, culture, customs and ethics of the human relationship with nature (coastal and marine resources) as an ecological community.
Local knowledge is capable of protecting coastal and marine resources particularly fish resources, mangroves and coral reefs. A number of stakeholders said that the regulation of a variety of local wisdom set in a coastal area of the provisions contained in some cultures, customs, and traditions of the local people is by coastal communities as a moral guide in managing coastal and marine resources in environmentally friendly ways.
One example that can be seen is the condition of mangroves in the Village District Bangko Maginti, Muna. Era of 1990-2000, the condition of mangroves in the area is very alarming because it is on the verge of collapse. But after efforts to strengthen local knowledge made since 2005 through the establishment of mangrove preserve culture into a binding rule that village, where every actor felling of mangrove trees have a decent harvest sanctioned mangrove planting 10 replacement until the age of mature mangroves, then mangrove in the area is now sustainable return. Visible throughout the coastal areas covered by mangrove Bangko Rural. In addition, spillovers from the mangrove forests is increasing the catch of fishermen, particularly fish and mud crab.
Along strengthening local wisdom, coastal communities in a variety of activities in the coastal and marine always guided by tradition and culture that exist. They make the tradition and culture as moral instruction and guidance in managing coastal and marine resources that exist. The whole pemali (prohibition) in a variety of cultures and traditions associated with the management of coastal and marine resources that followed the coastal and marine environment is maintained.
Tradition subak in Bali that deliver water for agriculture, sasi in Maluku and Papua that prevent overfishing zoning in Papua and ancestor in the Sunda land which regulates land / forest management, and water and soil Leuweung at Sunda for management and land-use planning and land are some examples of local wisdom that is environmentally friendly and positive impact on the lives of residents in the surrounding communities. It actually shows the social reality that not only proves the forms of ethical and moral responsibility, a form of harmony and harmonious relationship between man and nature, but also shows that humans instinctively have a tendency to always understand their environment, such a close bond with nature; also a mirror of the self-reliant community.
Wetu grip of nature that govern land use and cropping patterns in communities in Central Lombok is faded, SASI system in Maluku are no longer powerful, driven by the fishermen began outside the region, the concept of Tri Hita Karana is a Balinese life principle, in practice it is not appropriate concept, reflected in the further degradation of forests and environmental hygiene are increasingly menurun.Nilai-value community wisdom Manyaan in East Barito Dayak, Kalimantan in looking at nature and the environment that emphasizes balance and peace, and traditions Senguyun (gotong royong) in working the land and planting; has been depressed by the wheels of government and systemic movement which is a product of capitalist development
Traditions that exist in Central Java as suggested nyabuk mountain hilly agricultural area should be planted with crops to prevent erosion and create swales follow the contour lines clean village environment which aims to achieve a clean, healthy, and safe from disaster, Wangan implant to clear the channel -channel water to irrigate the fields together; also has begun to fade. Along with the anthropocentric view that began to color the attitudes and behavior of human beings, the harmonious relationship between man and nature began to change. Science is seen as the only source of truth, while thinking and traditional values that have no scientific authority is not regarded as a source of truth. With a capital of science and technology, in fact, used to exploit natural resources with no boundaries, resulting in the occurrence of natural disasters here and there.
For in my own places in South Kalimantan is known as attraction floating market, where the vendors who sell their wares using transportation called "boats" is a small vessel without the use of an electric motor, but using a paddle. of course, without the use of the electric motor, produces no carbon dioxide emissions that can pollute the environment, and then create a unique tourism potential.
For agricultural areas where this is a regional agrarian South Kalimantan. Rural farmers who scarify the soil using a hoe and a system called "trowel rice" which is using the manual tools drawn by cows. It is certainly very good for the soil rather than loose use handtractor, because by using the trowel system, the content of pyrite present in the soil until the time do not scarify come up to the surface of the ground, so it really fertile soil.
Well with indigenous culture is certainly very important as one of the environmental conservation efforts because the people here have strong integrity in themselves is what makes the place surrounding environment should take care and protect them so that continuity is maintained and able to provide an income in the economy for themselves.
Human destroyers of the environment still hanging around. It is time for all levels of the ministry of the environment, the forest rangers and their roles in the communities around the forest optimized lest these events repeat over and over again.
Let us look at and learn many indigenous tribes scattered across Indonesia, they generally have to act very friendly environment through the activities of daily life, and we are his people city, are in fact a lot of the acting is less concerned about the environment.
Then aspects of local wisdom in the management of coastal and marine resources manifested in the activity or activities that are environmentally friendly because local knowledge is itself a variety of ideas in the form of knowledge and understanding of local communities related to man's relationship with nature in managing coastal and marine resources that are thoughtful, full of wisdom , and well worth it. Local knowledge also about faith, culture, customs and ethics of the human relationship with nature (coastal and marine resources) as an ecological community.
Local knowledge is capable of protecting coastal and marine resources particularly fish resources, mangroves and coral reefs. A number of stakeholders said that the regulation of a variety of local wisdom set in a coastal area of the provisions contained in some cultures, customs, and traditions of the local people is by coastal communities as a moral guide in managing coastal and marine resources in environmentally friendly ways.
One example that can be seen is the condition of mangroves in the Village District Bangko Maginti, Muna. Era of 1990-2000, the condition of mangroves in the area is very alarming because it is on the verge of collapse. But after efforts to strengthen local knowledge made since 2005 through the establishment of mangrove preserve culture into a binding rule that village, where every actor felling of mangrove trees have a decent harvest sanctioned mangrove planting 10 replacement until the age of mature mangroves, then mangrove in the area is now sustainable return. Visible throughout the coastal areas covered by mangrove Bangko Rural. In addition, spillovers from the mangrove forests is increasing the catch of fishermen, particularly fish and mud crab.
Along strengthening local wisdom, coastal communities in a variety of activities in the coastal and marine always guided by tradition and culture that exist. They make the tradition and culture as moral instruction and guidance in managing coastal and marine resources that exist. The whole pemali (prohibition) in a variety of cultures and traditions associated with the management of coastal and marine resources that followed the coastal and marine environment is maintained.
Tradition subak in Bali that deliver water for agriculture, sasi in Maluku and Papua that prevent overfishing zoning in Papua and ancestor in the Sunda land which regulates land / forest management, and water and soil Leuweung at Sunda for management and land-use planning and land are some examples of local wisdom that is environmentally friendly and positive impact on the lives of residents in the surrounding communities. It actually shows the social reality that not only proves the forms of ethical and moral responsibility, a form of harmony and harmonious relationship between man and nature, but also shows that humans instinctively have a tendency to always understand their environment, such a close bond with nature; also a mirror of the self-reliant community.
Wetu grip of nature that govern land use and cropping patterns in communities in Central Lombok is faded, SASI system in Maluku are no longer powerful, driven by the fishermen began outside the region, the concept of Tri Hita Karana is a Balinese life principle, in practice it is not appropriate concept, reflected in the further degradation of forests and environmental hygiene are increasingly menurun.Nilai-value community wisdom Manyaan in East Barito Dayak, Kalimantan in looking at nature and the environment that emphasizes balance and peace, and traditions Senguyun (gotong royong) in working the land and planting; has been depressed by the wheels of government and systemic movement which is a product of capitalist development
Traditions that exist in Central Java as suggested nyabuk mountain hilly agricultural area should be planted with crops to prevent erosion and create swales follow the contour lines clean village environment which aims to achieve a clean, healthy, and safe from disaster, Wangan implant to clear the channel -channel water to irrigate the fields together; also has begun to fade. Along with the anthropocentric view that began to color the attitudes and behavior of human beings, the harmonious relationship between man and nature began to change. Science is seen as the only source of truth, while thinking and traditional values that have no scientific authority is not regarded as a source of truth. With a capital of science and technology, in fact, used to exploit natural resources with no boundaries, resulting in the occurrence of natural disasters here and there.
For in my own places in South Kalimantan is known as attraction floating market, where the vendors who sell their wares using transportation called "boats" is a small vessel without the use of an electric motor, but using a paddle. of course, without the use of the electric motor, produces no carbon dioxide emissions that can pollute the environment, and then create a unique tourism potential.
For agricultural areas where this is a regional agrarian South Kalimantan. Rural farmers who scarify the soil using a hoe and a system called "trowel rice" which is using the manual tools drawn by cows. It is certainly very good for the soil rather than loose use handtractor, because by using the trowel system, the content of pyrite present in the soil until the time do not scarify come up to the surface of the ground, so it really fertile soil.
Well with indigenous culture is certainly very important as one of the environmental conservation efforts because the people here have strong integrity in themselves is what makes the place surrounding environment should take care and protect them so that continuity is maintained and able to provide an income in the economy for themselves.