Award and Presents Given by Official Secretary of Banjarmasin

    The event begins from seven schools that are members of the Teen Ministry of Environment team (KLHR) 2014, here are some of their projects that I will present in this blog. Before we look at their project further, back I would explain that this is KLHR initiation or a team formed by the Green Ambassador Association (GAA) in which the concept is referring to the Ministry of Environment Republic of Indonesia. The idea came when I felt that the green movement can’t be done by a few people, other than the lack of an effective action to save the environment delivery and less efficient in a matter of time. So when the idea came, I immediately made the concept by myself and after that made some discussion with GAA fellows, and i didn’t forget to ask the advice of Mr. Hamdi as the Head of Banjarmasin Environment Agency, which he is a leader who always gives me inspiration and makes me always amazed.
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Trusted to deliver speech about Environment
     29 Mei 2014 saya selaku Ketua Green Ambassador Association mendapatkan kehormatan untuk diundang bersama teman-teman Duta Lingkungan Hidup Ekoregion Kalimantan lainnya untuk menghadiri acara "Pekan Lingkungan Indonesia yang diadakan di Jakarta Convention Center. Dalam kesempatan ini kami berangkat bersama dengan Pemerintah Kota Banjarmasin yaitu Badan Lingkungan Hidup Kota Banjarmasin. Dalam acara tersebut diadakan pameran mengenai lingkungan dari seluruh Indonesia, baik dari perusahaan, LSM, maupun Komunitas Kreatif Produk Daur Ulang.
        Saya dan Pak Hamdi juga diberikan kepercayaan untuk menyampaikan materi lingkungan, dimana Pak Hamdi menyampaikan kondisi regulasi dan penanganan lingkungan yang dilakukan pemerintah Banjarmasin dan saya menyampaikan aksi lingkungan generasi muda serta pengembangan kapasitas sosial. Tidak tanggung-tanggung, yang menjadi moderator dalam acara itu adalah Oppie Andaresta (artis sekaligus aktivis lingkungan).
      Suasana seminar hari itu begitu menyenangkan karena banyak dari para peserta seminar yang memiliki cerita mengenai aksi mereka sebagai aktivis dan sukarelawan di daerah mereka sendiri yang tersebar di Indonesia. Apresiasi dari para hadirin pun begitu baik karena mereka melihat dari apa yang saya sampaikan, bahwa banyak sekali generasi muda yang memiliki banyak ide-ide kreatif dan semangat yang tinggi dalam membantu menyelamatkan tempat tinggal kita yaitu bumi.

Saya akan selalu memiliki spirit untuk berjuang demi membantu generasi muda yang peduli pada lingkungan!!


        May 29, 2014...Me as a Chairman of the Green Ambassador Association was honored to be invited with my fellow Kalimantan Ecoregion Green Ambassador to attend the event "Indonesia Environment Week 2014" which held at Jakarta Convention Center. On this occasion we went together with Banjarmasin government officials (Banjarmasin Environment Agency. In the event, they held an exhibition about the environment from all over Indonesia, both of companies, NGOs, and Community Creative Recycled Products.
       Me and Mr. Hamdi also given trust to deliver speech about environment, where Mr. Hamdi conveying and handling conditions of environmental regulations by the government of Banjarmasin and I convey the younger generation of environmental action and social capacity building. No half-hearted, who moderated the event is Oppie Andaresta (actresses and environmental activist).
      The seminar atmosphere was so much fun because there are many of the participants who have stories about their actions as activists and volunteers in their own areas throughout Indonesia. Appreciation of the audience was so good because they see of what I said, that many young people who have a lot of creative ideas and high spirit in helping to save our home is the earth

I'll always have the spirit to fight for helping young people who care about the environment

Photo Session

Rally Release with Secretary Ministry of Environment Drs. M.S. Karliansyah, MS

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