One year after the action Earth Hour took place in the year 2012, we celebrate the return of the event this year with the personnel and the community of young children were very enthusiastic. Because young people are the catalysts of change.
Earth Hour is a call to care about climate change by turning off lights and electronic for one hour. This program is an action campaign was first initiated by the NGO World Wildlife Fund (WWF) in Sydney, Australia in 2007.
This event is quickly becoming a trend, from video inspiring is created and disseminated through social media to echo this campaign throughout the world. This year, Earth Hour event will be held on Saturday, March 23, 2013 with the theme "It Aksiku, Where Aksmu?" Which invites people to turn off lights and electronic equipment starting at 20:30 until 21:30.
Not to be outdone by the global Earth Hour program, according to Suradji Devy, Marketing Director of WWF-Indonesia, the development of Indonesia's Earth Hour started in 2009 - two years after the first Earth Hour took place in Sydney, Australia - very rapidly. "Even for this year we are not too meddling. That many moves are a community, "he said.
This statement echoed by Verena Puspawardani, Campaign Coordinator Climate and Energy Program of WWF-Indonesia. He said young people in various cities in the country who move to lobby the government and local authorities to be directly involved in the program's Earth Hour Indonesia.
With symbolic younger generation, together with communitIes, environmental ambassadors, as well as tourism ambassadors, we invite the community in ways that draw, with various series of activities such as bike community release action, such as music bands and soloists, parkour , the appearance of Borneo Lady Percussion, Standup Comedy, magic, dance culture, etc. Approximately one month before we had visited schools, organized clean-up activities of the river and the surrounding streets. Thank God, in the event I entrusted to be the MC. From here I while campaigning and inform what and how Earth Hour was that people have "attitude bother living green".
Earth Hour is a call to care about climate change by turning off lights and electronic for one hour. This program is an action campaign was first initiated by the NGO World Wildlife Fund (WWF) in Sydney, Australia in 2007.
This event is quickly becoming a trend, from video inspiring is created and disseminated through social media to echo this campaign throughout the world. This year, Earth Hour event will be held on Saturday, March 23, 2013 with the theme "It Aksiku, Where Aksmu?" Which invites people to turn off lights and electronic equipment starting at 20:30 until 21:30.
Not to be outdone by the global Earth Hour program, according to Suradji Devy, Marketing Director of WWF-Indonesia, the development of Indonesia's Earth Hour started in 2009 - two years after the first Earth Hour took place in Sydney, Australia - very rapidly. "Even for this year we are not too meddling. That many moves are a community, "he said.
This statement echoed by Verena Puspawardani, Campaign Coordinator Climate and Energy Program of WWF-Indonesia. He said young people in various cities in the country who move to lobby the government and local authorities to be directly involved in the program's Earth Hour Indonesia.
With symbolic younger generation, together with communitIes, environmental ambassadors, as well as tourism ambassadors, we invite the community in ways that draw, with various series of activities such as bike community release action, such as music bands and soloists, parkour , the appearance of Borneo Lady Percussion, Standup Comedy, magic, dance culture, etc. Approximately one month before we had visited schools, organized clean-up activities of the river and the surrounding streets. Thank God, in the event I entrusted to be the MC. From here I while campaigning and inform what and how Earth Hour was that people have "attitude bother living green".
Tak terasa 1 tahun setelah aksi Earth Hour berlangsung pada tahun 2012 lalu, kembali kami merayakan acara tersebut tahun ini dengan personil serta komunitas anak-anak muda yang sangat antusias. Karena kaum muda adalah katalis perubahan.
Earth Hour adalah ajakan untuk peduli terhada perubahan iklim dengan cara mematikan lampu dan alat elektronik selama satu jam. Program ini adalah sebuah aksi kampanye yang digagas pertama kali oleh lembaga swadaya masyarakat World Wildlife Fund (WWF) di sydney, Australia pada 2007.
Acara ini dengan cepat menjadi tren, dari berbagi video inspiratif diciptakan dan disebar melalui media sosial untuk menggaungkan kampanye ini ke seluruh dunia. Tahun ini, acara Earth Hour akan diselenggarakan pada hari Sabtu 23 Maret 2013 dengan tema “Ini Aksiku, Mana Aksmu?” yang mengajak masyarakat mematikan lampu dan peralatan elektronik mulai jam 20.30 hingga 21.30.
Tidak mau kalah dengan program earth hour global, menurut Devy Suradji, Marketing Director WWF-Indonesia, perkembangan Earth Hour Indonesia yang baru dimulai pada 2009 – dua tahun setelah Earth Hour pertama berlangsung di Sydney, Australia – sangat pesat. “Bahkan untuk tahun ini kita tidak terlalu ikut campur. Yang banyak bergerak adalah komunitas,” tuturnya.
Pernyataan ini diamini oleh Verena Puspawardani, Koordinator Kampanye Program Iklim dan Energi WWF-Indonesia. Menurutnya kaum muda diberbagai kota di Tanah Air lah yang bergerak untuk melobi pemerintah dan pejabat daerah untuk terlibat langsung dalam program Earth Hour Indonesia ini.
Dengan simbolis generasi muda, bersama-sama dengan teman-teman komunitas, duta lingkungan, dan juga duta wisata, kami mengajak masyarakat dengan cara-cara yang menarik, dengan berbagai serangkaian kegiatan seperti aksi pelepasan komunitas sepeda, musik seperti band dan penyanyi solo, parkour, penampilan dari Borneo Lady Percussion, StandUp Comedy, sulap, tarian budaya, dsb. Kurang lebih 1 bulan sebelumnya kami sudah berkunjung ke sekolah-sekolah, mengadakan kegiatan bersih-bersih sungai dan juga jalan-jalan sekitar. Alhamdulillah dalam acara tersebut saya dipercayakan teman-teman untuk menjadi MC. Dari sini saya sembari mengkampanyekan dan menginformasikan apa dan bagaimana Earth Hour itu agar masyarakat memiliki “sikap hidup hirau hijau”,
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Small Discussion with Government of Banjarmasin City (Major, Vice Major, and Official Secretary) |
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Campaign Campaign and Campaign |
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Campaign Campaign and Campaign |
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Earth Hour Banjarmasin and Drop Your Book Community |
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Earth Hour Banjarmasin Gathering |